


Alas it is monday and not friday. The weekend freedom is over and the boring, responsible part of myself must reign again.

The weekend was not memorable by any means, but had an overall feeling of satisfaction. Sunday, after a wonderful Tofu-Scrambler at a local coffee shop featuring spoken work and sitar players I was struck with the sudden urge to walk. With a digital camera in hand I set out to explore the city only blocks away on foot, instead of a usual car-speed incomprehensable to me. I like to walk and remember being a kid in Dorset - every sunday after dinner the family would set out for a walk around the block just because. There was no destination - just the act of walking. For some reason people here don't walk or if they do there must be a destination or reason behind it.

I detest the fact that I sit in my car to drive 20 minutes to work inorder to enter an office to sit at a desk. Sometimes I feel that my body screams to move and walk. What ever happened to the times when sitting was a privilidge reserved for the important? I miss walking and the overall act of self reliance. Regardless, I am happy that I was able to walk this weekend. I will post some pictures later of what I discovered in Downtown Columbus and the secrets hidden in the urban fabric of a typical american city.
:: posted by SarahJ, 28.2.05 | link | (0) comments |



More photo's from random events have been added to flickr.
:: posted by SarahJ, 26.2.05 | link | (0) comments |


I have decided that I am going to make my own web page full of useless information. First step is coming up with a domain name.....

stay tuned.............
:: posted by SarahJ, 24.2.05 | link | (0) comments |



How many cups of green tea, hours of sleep and spoonfuls of honey do I need to not be sick?

Maybe this is what I deserve after not being sick for over a year. Plus - at work today I get to do some site work in the freezing cold.

More than anything I want to sit in a big fat chair next to a fire and sleep.
The closest I can come at the moment to that is a desk chair, space heater and scarf.

Let the day end quickly.
:: posted by SarahJ, 23.2.05 | link | (2) comments |



Tuesday is a new day and I am feeling so much better. Sure I am still a little stuffy and snotty, but my mood is quite changed. Does this have anything to do with watching a little of the new L Word episode this morning?

I am in a good mood.

I also ordered two tickets for an m83 concert at the Wexner Center this morning. This is a group I am into at the moment. It is much like Sigur Ros (also coming out with a new album this year), but a little more electronica. Quite good. The fact that I ordered two tickets is a big deal for me. I never order two tickets without someone actually saying 'yes' I will go. I do have someone in mind to take, we shall see if she can make it. I hope so because she is rather hot, interesting and funny. (ok... that is enough personal information for one day.)

The new chemical brothers cd rocks. After one listen I have already found many songs I like and these are not just the current singles.
:: posted by SarahJ, 22.2.05 | link | (0) comments |


stupidity. - News - Student Puts OSU President On eBay
:: posted by SarahJ, 21.2.05 | link | (2) comments |



I am sick again. Twice in one week is just plain idiotic. I took last monday off to ward off illness and now, 6 days later, it has caught up with me. I don't mind being sick, as in having a cold, other than the sheer concentration needed to eat and drink. I hate having to take huge breaths before taking a bite or gulp of something so that I don't suffocate to death. Being sick also means that cookies and chocolate don't taste as good. Quite depressing really.

On an up note, my parents and sister visited from Cleveland yesterday. While I handed them their b-day pressies, I was handed Tetley tea and Kalua. Yummy. They then took me out to dinner and I ate everything under the sun - wine, mussles, calamari, tuna, creme brulee and coffee. Great meal. Somehow I think that it was really my birthday and not theirs.
:: posted by SarahJ, 20.2.05 | link | (0) comments |


The goal at hand.
:: posted by SarahJ, 18.2.05 | link | (0) comments |
7am. High Street.
:: posted by SarahJ, 18.2.05 | link | (0) comments |
Columbus on the horizon.
:: posted by SarahJ, 18.2.05 | link | (0) comments |


I am at home on a Friday taking the day off to take the dreaded GRE. Well, it is done and over. I am very happy with some one my scores but others could be better. This is what I am trying to teach myself as a lesson in life. Apparently, when you are on the right track things do not work out without a little effort. This is why I feel that I should retake them. I really have nothing to lose and only better scores to gain. I might as well since I have 10 months until I have to apply to grad school. I want to do this application process right and get into the right places.

I also must remember that these damn tests are not a reflection of yourself. I am probably overreacting as normal.

On a good note I hung out yesterday studying and had the best day. I went out to breakfast at 7am to meet two friends. It was great as another friend who I hadn't seen for a while happened to be there. After they left I was then graced by the presence of three more people that just happened to be there. It was a great feeling to know so many people there and be able to hang out with them all. Columbus can be a great town at times.

Well.. I am done eating my sushi and must finish my Heineken - later my friends.
:: posted by SarahJ, 18.2.05 | link | (0) comments |



It is nearly 6:30am and I have already put in nearly 6 hours of work. Damn this rocks.

Plus, because nobody is here I am able to actually accomplish things without being interrupted. I can also blast my dance/techno music SUPER loud without the counseling centers below getting upset.

Hopefully I won't be too tired today. Now, off to a doctors appointment and then back to the office. Wow, I feel productive!
:: posted by SarahJ, 16.2.05 | link | (0) comments |


What time is it? Yes, it is 1am.

Where am I? At work.

Yes folks, I am truly devoted to my profession - so much so that due to an inability to sleep I decided to get an early start on the day.

Who knew that the next step towards societal progess was a 24 hour architecture firm?
:: posted by SarahJ, 16.2.05 | link | (0) comments |


What I saw today on site.....
:: posted by SarahJ, 15.2.05 | link | (0) comments |



In the england when it was on the verge of raining and we would get small droplets of rain we would explain this situation as "well, it's just spitting out there." When I say that here people don't get it.

This little 'spitting' metaphor is in relation to my first CD arriving today.

2raumwohnung - es wird morgen.

Don't ask me what that means - I have no idea except that the first word with the numeral in it means '2 room apartment.' Other than that I am clueless.

After a few listens I am quite happy with the CD. It is their usual poppy-dance music genre. Good for a car ride or passing time. It is not as fun as their 'kommet zusammen' CD (sp?) which I thought was a little more innovative. But this one has some good hooks and jingles. Not bad.

I wonder what CD shall come next.

ps - that robbie williams cd I got from the Lib was bad.
:: posted by SarahJ, 11.2.05 | link | (0) comments |


count down.

Things are not looking good concerning my plan this morning. I had thought that I would be able to run downtown to pick up some signage samples and that would be my escape for an hour. The sign guy said that today was too quick of a turn around for samples. damn! So, here I sit eating chocolate and drinking green tea. I guess that I will just have to do work then.

Regardless, I found a cheaper way to listen to music - the library. I go through periods of using the library - these usually end with a large fine. Last night I managed to get a couple of CD's. Unlike my previous selection of CD's these are quite well known people.

Sinead O'Connor - She who Dwells...
Robbie Williams - Escapology
Angelique Kidjo - Black Ivory Soul

So far so good... now, if only that guy could come up with some kind of sample for me to pick up.......
:: posted by SarahJ, 10.2.05 | link | (0) comments |



My mission today, I have decided is to get myself out of the office. I have been stuck in this corner for too long doing work - I must see the world!

I will escape this office today for more than an hour (excluding lunch.) - wish me luck. I shall report back later as to whether or not I freed myself from the wired shackels.

:: posted by SarahJ, 10.2.05 | link | (0) comments |



Please, somebody save me!

After buying 3 CD's last night:

Rufus Wainwright - Want II
Tortoise - Tortoise
Squarepusher - ?

I went online and bought 5 more today. oops. Bad Sarah! I am, for some reason completely obsessed with music at the moment. This could be a result of me sitting in front of a computer all day. I have not been out of the office much lately. But, some of this stuff that I have been listening to is just amazing and I can't help myself from buying these things. So, the compiled list of bought CD's today entails:

Squarepusher - Ultravisitor
Lemon Jelly - '64-'95
Sigur Ros; Hilmar OrnHilmarsson- Angels of the Universe
Maria Rita - Maria Rita (for my moms birthday)
2Raumwohng - Es Wird Morgen

Within a couple of days the shower of music shall begin. (Maniacal laugh follows.)

I think I may need professional counseling for this addiction. Anyone want to offer their services for free - buying music is an expensive habit!
:: posted by SarahJ, 9.2.05 | link | (2) comments |



While growing up in the UK I went to the most stereo-typical-British-Harry-potter-type of school possible - Talbot Heath. As you can see from the pictures it fits the stereotypes including the neck tie and blazer look. I am still proud of my ability to tie a tie (something most of my men friends still have trouble doing.)

Some of my greatest memories of this school are those which involved myself and friends getting into much mischief as most young girls do. Myths and legends were passed down the ranks about 'flashers' (old men who enjoyed showing their naked selves off to little girls) that frequented the wooded area around the school, as well as other crazies and scary ghosts. We would always look to the older girls as wiser and more mature as we ran around the woods pretending that we could ski down the pine needle covered sides of old bomb shelters. Those were some great times, full of great memories and stories that even to this day I should not repeat for fear of getting into trouble with the Headmistress - Ms. Leahy.

It was a beautiful, fun place to spend my childhood years. Hopefully one day I will get to revisit the campus to see how much it has shrunk from those days.
:: posted by SarahJ, 8.2.05 | link | (0) comments |
Junior School.
:: posted by SarahJ, 8.2.05 | link | (1) comments |
Talbot Heath School for Girls.
:: posted by SarahJ, 8.2.05 | link | (0) comments |



Do you ever have premonitions more than you thought?

I was just out driving to run errands during lunch and came to a stop light. While the light was red I noticed that the truck on the opposite side of the road was trying to take a left. I had a feeling that he would try and go while getting slightly confused by the intersection.

As the light turned green he tried to take a turn right in front of me and then suddenly halted allowing me to go. I was right!

This made me think of how often these kind of situations do actually happen while I write them off as normality.

Thankfully I made it back to the office with mint chocolate, fruit jellies, roasted edamame and a package sent off to Ireland alive.
:: posted by SarahJ, 7.2.05 | link | (0) comments |
1. What time did you get up this morning? 7.16 am.
2. Diamonds or pearls? Pearls – choaker-like.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? ‘Tarnation’
4. What is your favorite TV show? Don’t have a TV – L. Word if I have to pick.
5. What did you have for breakfast? Toast, coffee, butter, Marmite.
6. What is your middle name? Jane
7. Favorite cuisine? Indian
8. What foods do you dislike? Tripe.
9. What is your favorite crisp flavor? Don’t like them – salt + vinegar if I have to
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Maria Rita
11. What kind of car do you drive? VW Golf
12. Favorite sandwich? Cucumber + Butter
13. What characteristic do you despise? Untruthful bastards.
14. Favorite item of clothing? Black, off the shoulder sweater.
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go? Iceland
16. What color is your bathroom? Cream – ew!
17. Favorite brand of clothing? Bennetton / Diesel.
18. Where would you retire to? Cottage in the south of England.
19. Favorite time of the day? Sunrise – golden hour.
20. What was your most memorable birthday? None.
21. Where were you born? Cork, Ireland
22. Favorite sport to watch? Tennis.
23. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? Me.
24. Person you expect to send it back first? None.
25. What fabric detergent do you use? Not sure.
27. Are you a morning person or a night person? Morning all the way.
28. What is your shoe size? 5.5 - 6
29. Do you have any pets? Nope.
30. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with friends and family? My parents are coming to visit soon – yay!
31. What did you want to be when you were little? Archeologist
32. What is your favorite ice cream? Mint Chocolate Chip.
33. What are you giving up for Lent? Nothing – don’t practice.
34. Biggest splurge in the last month? Eating out TOOOOO much.
35. Item you don't spend a lot on? Groceries.
36. Question you hate? ‘What are you thinking?’
37. What was the last book you read? Rememberance of things Past.
38. Something you like though you don't want to admit it. Celine Dion.
39. Something you do but won't admit? Pick my nose.
40. Something you want to do but probably won't? Visit Antartica.
41. Current pet peeve? Studying for GRE. Although, is it a pet peeve if you don’t do it?
42. Favorite indulgence? Chocolate.
:: posted by SarahJ, 7.2.05 | link | (0) comments |



Is this really a news story?

What a waste of time these issues are - there are many other more pressing issues we should work on than whether or not a TV cartoon is gay or 'promotes alternative families.' What about all of the devastation a result of the Tsunami? Thousands of people died, are homeless and staving. Do these anti-gay people really have their heads stuck up their asses this much? Hello church people - why don't you actually be helpful through action instead of promoting hate, anger and bigotry through words while ignore the people who NEED help? Talk about lazy.

Whether people like it or not - there are gay people (eg. Richard Simmons), there always have been (eg. that kings son in Braveheart) and always will be (Elton John's Diva moments are quite timeless). In my mind this means that we should deal with the situations instead of trying to make them disappear. I don't care if you agree or disagree with homosexuality - get over it, stop bitching and give your time and energy to people who really need it.

On a side note - if people were really in tune with this anti gay movement then lets talk about the eighties. Remember Thundercats, He-man and My Two Dads? Talk about promoting gay life!
:: posted by SarahJ, 4.2.05 | link | (1) comments |



This morning I am in the office alone - quite a nice change since I can now 'blast' my music.

Last night was my first effort at entertaining in my small one bedroom apt. I made very savory irish food - full of your basic staples. Soda Bread, a thick and hearty lentel soup and a salad. I also provided afew fix-ins as my grandmother always does. The total guest number was six - not too bad for a first time. Overall I was quite pleased with how things turned out - although next time I need to be a little more gracious and attentive to my guests. A work in progress...
:: posted by SarahJ, 1.2.05 | link | (2) comments |