


This morning I am in the office alone - quite a nice change since I can now 'blast' my music.

Last night was my first effort at entertaining in my small one bedroom apt. I made very savory irish food - full of your basic staples. Soda Bread, a thick and hearty lentel soup and a salad. I also provided afew fix-ins as my grandmother always does. The total guest number was six - not too bad for a first time. Overall I was quite pleased with how things turned out - although next time I need to be a little more gracious and attentive to my guests. A work in progress...
:: posted by SarahJ, 1.2.05


EXCELLENT! Dinner parties are an important staple of life. Glad it went well! Sounds delish. I've never had an Irish dinner party, though I have had Irish people for Thanksgiving. Either way, its all good!

matthew aka WDL
Blogger WDL, at 8:37 AM  
EXCELLENT! Dinner parties are an important staple of life. Glad it went well! Sounds delish. I've never had an Irish dinner party, though I have had Irish people for Thanksgiving. Either way, its all good!

matthew aka WDL
Blogger WDL, at 8:38 AM  

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