


Is this really a news story?

What a waste of time these issues are - there are many other more pressing issues we should work on than whether or not a TV cartoon is gay or 'promotes alternative families.' What about all of the devastation a result of the Tsunami? Thousands of people died, are homeless and staving. Do these anti-gay people really have their heads stuck up their asses this much? Hello church people - why don't you actually be helpful through action instead of promoting hate, anger and bigotry through words while ignore the people who NEED help? Talk about lazy.

Whether people like it or not - there are gay people (eg. Richard Simmons), there always have been (eg. that kings son in Braveheart) and always will be (Elton John's Diva moments are quite timeless). In my mind this means that we should deal with the situations instead of trying to make them disappear. I don't care if you agree or disagree with homosexuality - get over it, stop bitching and give your time and energy to people who really need it.

On a side note - if people were really in tune with this anti gay movement then lets talk about the eighties. Remember Thundercats, He-man and My Two Dads? Talk about promoting gay life!
:: posted by SarahJ, 4.2.05


Ha - well, that maybe giving it away a little!
Blogger SarahJ, at 12:54 PM  

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