I was able to spend the whole day at OU yesterday climbing the roof (as pictured below) and learning how to make whiteprints from ammonia, photo sensitive paper and original linen prints. Fun stuff!
I also got my hair cut, which was a great idea since I had been told, quite subtly by a few friends, that I was growing a slight mullet due to it's length. Of course this was quite unintentional, but I suppose that we all have to represent our community in different ways. I chose the mullet hair look.
As soon as I arrived at the hair studio (I am unsure of the correct terminology these days) everyone had left and my stylist and I were the only ones there. This was great fun as we took full advantage of the cheesy Dolly Parton music playing and the opportunity to tell ridiculously crass jokes. Man, they were wrong - but VERY funny.
As my stylist started on my hair she also informed me of my elevated lesbian status as a full mullet wearing dyke. I think I vaguely recall a short conversation about an Indigo Girls Concert. I insisted that I be rid of this plague as soon as possible - she began to hack away with glee.
Well, I am glad to share with you all, that I managed to come out with a brand new head of hair (not literally). I am finally rid of my dyke mullet/helmet head stardom. I have sadly progressed to the other side of the dyke hair spectrum to the super short style. My hair is quite short, which means that I felt rather enticed to shove my femininity down people throats today. The quickest way to do this in the morning without hand-eye coordination (e.g.. make-up) is that of cleavage. Yes, I have cleavage today.
I thought this was a wonderful idea: be the powerful, short hair, in control, professional, cleavage woman. Yes! Well, it was all going wonderfully until I started to make coffee this morning at the office and I couldn't open the damn packet of coffee. I tugged and pulled at this little plastic air blown packet. To get that extra sense of power I elevated it near my breast bone and tugged extra hard. And to my elation it slowly opened and I saw it, in s-l-o-w motion burst all over my cleavage and down my shirt. All of this because of my insecurity being a mullet wearing lesbo.
Lesson: Buy coffee in a canister and use a scoop.
:: posted by SarahJ, 29.10.04
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2004's Scariest Halloween Costumes
:: posted by SarahJ, 29.10.04
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A roof to climb.
:: posted by SarahJ, 28.10.04
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Hit the dino honey...
As I woke up this morning, hitting my two alarm clocks snooze buttons repeatedly I wondered....
When cavemen had to get up every morning to hunt and draw their cave paintings did they ever want to sleep in a not get up to work? Did they? Was the morning such a struggle for them?
Why are Monday so difficult to get up on? I like my job for the most part, but getting up is awful! Of course on Sunday I was able to get up at 7:30am with no problem. That is irony for you.
:: posted by SarahJ, 25.10.04
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I am quite happy and settled into my lunch now.. the quizno's sub and coke is really hitting the spot. The 'spot' is actually one that was created through my wild and crazy escapade to 80's night at Skully's. That place is fun! I love it, but as I say frequently - I wish that Thursday there could be transplanted to a Friday night so that I could REALLY live it up. Sometimes I really get in the mood and dress eighties. It's so much fun!
I am a little slow today due to last night, but lets hope that the lunch hour will mend me. If not - oh well.. :)
I received a CD in the mail today that I had ordered. It is by the group "Architecture in Helsinki." How could I not get a CD by a band named after my profession as well as a cool town in Finland. They have won me over already. Turns out that the music is rather bouncy, electronica, and quite happy. Simple, not overly complex, and clean. I am already into the CD and this my first listen.
Many of my friends have recently adopted kittens. They are all so adorable! They run around chasing the air as well as their tails. Give them a toy with cat nip and they are a mess! Makes me wonder if I should get a needy animal to wake up to every morning. How could you ever be in a bad mood with a soft purring kitty around?
My obsession with Air America 'Unfiltered' morning show is ridiculous. I need to stop listening to it! Yes, I am in love with Rachel Maddow and that is part of the issue, but it is making me angry at the state our country is in. I am equally as frustrated that I am listening to all of this propaganda and I can't vote. Makes me rethink getting dual citizenship. It would be worth it if I could help to get bush out of office.
If bush does get reelected I am also going to consider finishing my schooling out of the country. Canada, Ireland or England seem to be the main choices.
:: posted by SarahJ, 22.10.04
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Strangers With Candy: The Movie
:: posted by SarahJ, 21.10.04
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Tea Time Today
Alliteration is my choice of verbal tactics today. So beware!
I am sitting here listening to my lively, loud music. I want to dance, but shall have to save something of that sort for sometime Saturday.
Working-out this week has withered away. I relish reading a really livid....
I give up.
:: posted by SarahJ, 20.10.04
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It has just turned 4:01 here in the office although if I look at my phone next to me the time appears to be 4:07. Quite a difference. I am at the end of my rope today. I have worked hard all day and the thought of doing one more thing does not seem possible. I got a large chunk of one of our exterior renovations done which is great considering the goal is to be ready for bid at the end of this week.
My usual workout schedule has slowed down this week considering I have been coughing up phlegm since the weekend which is rather disgusting. I have a feeling that the sudden cold weather is having a cathartic effect on me too. I will let myself rest for a couple of days, but the routine must start up again soon!
I just pre-ordered a new Sigur Ros cd on Amazon. It actually isn't technically new since it is their very first CD, but it is only just being released here on Oct. 26. So - if you are a fan - start lining up.
Around 4:14pm I generally start planning my evening after work and what I will do with my few hours before sleep. Today, I am quite tempted to go home, grab some food and maybe read some Proust since he is quite the winter read. There is nothing quite like Proust that makes me curl up into a warm cup of tea, a large sweater, and sweet thoughts of childhood and comfort.
We shall see....
:: posted by SarahJ, 19.10.04
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The Sneeze - Half zine. Half blog. Half not good with fractions.
:: posted by SarahJ, 19.10.04
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'WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT MASONRY?!?!?! - it always ends in 0, 4, 8 inch increments - Unless your Frank Gehry.'
-Then I'll just have to be fucking Frank Gehry damnit.
:: posted by SarahJ, 18.10.04
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There's nothing like a cookie and some tea on a dreary, miserable, rainy day to uplift the spirits.
:: posted by SarahJ, 18.10.04
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Main Street Diner, Southern Ohio.
:: posted by SarahJ, 17.10.04
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:: posted by SarahJ, 17.10.04
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:: posted by SarahJ, 17.10.04
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Sunday Dusk
It is sunday evening as I sit here typing to someone. I hate sundays - the anticipation that I have for the week is an almost sickening feeling. I dread tomorrow - we have a project going out to bid that needs to be finalized and I am sure that everyone will be on edge slightly. This means that I get incredibly emotional and take everything personally. I am a Cancer which explains a lot, yet it can be very frustrating at times.
Went out with a friend to Hocking Hills this weekend to explore the autumn colors. It was beautiful. Sometimes the city can suffocate you without your realization and a moment in nature can help to alleviate that. It was a needed escape. We also had a chance to hang out in a little town, Vinton (i think) was the name. The town was created around a main crossroad with local diners and 'quaint' american architecture. It was a plesant surprise as we were lost at the time.
I had the local specialty, which was fried califlower for lunch. It was quite yummy. But, one thing that did strike me was everyones kindness and time for you and your concerns. We were given a free map at the local gas station along with no-obligation directions to get us to our destination. We were also asked questions from locals as to where we were from. (must have stuck out quite a bit.) I wish I had a great story to tell - something like: I am travelling to the west coast by car and this is my second day on the road... blah.. blah... Sadly, I replied with Columbus - an hour north. Regardless, it was a nice day trip and quite entertaining.
Additionally, I witnessed the kindness of human nature at our destination
Niches Retreat. The retreat which was in true need of support in many ways was given a future due to kind donations. It was a wonderful moment to experience.
It is turning 8pm and I am going to start another movie in my list of 'must watch.'
:: posted by SarahJ, 17.10.04
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I had no idea.
:: posted by SarahJ, 15.10.04
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Sacrifices gone wrong.
Last night I stayed in. What usually ends up being a crazy fun night at Skully's ended up being a mellow night at home watching a great movie made in 1945, "Mrs. Miniver." It was a feel good movie. Loved it.
Anyway, the point of staying home during the week and not dancing the night away is so that I can be productive at work the next day. Well, somehow the choice I made to stay at home last night was the wrong one. I am acting like I am hung over today. I can't get anything straight in my head, and every problem I am faced with today seems to roll around until it make absolutely no sense whatsoever. I feel like the biggest idiot... Quite an opposite feeling that I had the other day.
As humans we are not as smart as we tend to think we are.
:: posted by SarahJ, 15.10.04
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Me at work today.. :)
:: posted by SarahJ, 14.10.04
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A good day for Stereo Lab
Today has gone wonderfully so far. It is already 2pm and I have been out field measuring, talked to a friend in DC for a long time to catch up, ate lunch and am quite content. I am feeling very happy and excited about the rest of the day. Even though 3.5 hours of that will be involved with work, the rest will be gossiping with a friend and running. Not bad!
I reread my post from last night this morning. Sometimes I fear that I sounds completely bitchy. Does anyone else feel that about themselves? I come across like a pompous old elitist hag. I think that it comes down to saying is believing or making myself feel better, or a sense of pride from my accomplishments. It is probably a mix of the latter.
Regardless, today is a Stereo lLab music day. Slightly chill, with an optimistic undertone.
Work beckons me..... Sarah where are you?' 'please draw us...'
:: posted by SarahJ, 14.10.04
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After a glass of wine - before the debates:
I do often wonder why all of the good, attractive people are always taken. I am not saying that all of the single people are unattractive - it's just that I don't know you yet.
Of course, I am posative that I do not want a relationship at the moment - hell everyone knows how bad I am at dating and crap like that. But - I suppose that the Sleeping Beauty movie by Disney has haunted me since childhood or maybe it was Beauty and the Beast. (in my story there would be no beast though - lets not read into things literally.)
Or - maybe I just sound like a bitch when I talk. hmm.
enough self loathing and off to a friends house for the debates.....
:: posted by SarahJ, 13.10.04
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The label inside my jeans said, "do not expose to sunlight." Now... this could be a slight issue.
:: posted by SarahJ, 13.10.04
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The spatial mess of a Columbus, Ohio intersection. Do the wire companies think we won't notice what is above us?
:: posted by SarahJ, 12.10.04
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Feeling a little dodgy today... but hopefully with the right lunch (the one I brought I hope) things will set themselves right in my stomach.
Took a trip to the Dublin Lib today in hopes of finding more movies... i hope this new found hobby of mine isn't getting too boring to read. But at least you will all know that you can now converse with me in these topics. However, the movies of today's excursions are:
- A Rebel without a Cause (James Dean - maybe he really is as hott as he looks on the cover)
- North by Northwest (thanks Trevor)
- Mrs. Minnover (no idea, won a couple of oscars back in the 40's)
- Twin Peaks (another David Lynch)
So by next week I should be fully knowledgeable of these titles. Also picked up some cd's - esthero, Chantal Kreviazuk, Morcheeba, Duncan Sheik, Stereo Lab.
These new cd's should make the rest of my day at work more interesting than normal. (I usually listen to dance music all day.)
Final Thought (not to quote jerry Springer) I apologize for spelling Cuckoo wrong in a previous post. How embarrassing to have cock-oo instead!
:: posted by SarahJ, 12.10.04
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I now remember what school reading was like. Often quite boring, yet somehow important in the shaping of our small minds.
After a friend kindly told me what he was reading tonight for class I decided to check it out too - since I had the book sitting on my kitchen table this seemed like a great way to move on with my self inflicted challenge. Colin Rowe - Mathematics of the Ideal Villa.
Funny how the more I flip through these books sitting on my table I realize that during school I started out most of them in full vigor - highlighting, marking notes in the margins and color coding ideas. By about page 50 this colorful mosaic had faded into a black and white page. I had obviously stopped reading out of shear boredom of the material and hoped that I could get all of the information from lectures.
So tonight is the chapter, "Character and Composition." After reading the thoughts, love and hate come to mind immediately. I love the theory and fluidity of relationships throughout history. How simply the use of one word can banter back and forth to unfold deeper conflicting ideas within the structure of the ethos. Fascinating. But, why did I have to force myself to not day dream and reflect on today's myriad of events.
Sometimes I wish I was a little more disciplined.
Regardless, I am now reading this book as the next phase of this 'ridding my table from books' adventure. Some of the chapters later on look really great. eg. 'transparency: literal and phenomenal' and 'The Architecture of Utopia' look especially juicy. I just hope wrap up my day dreaming prior.
:: posted by SarahJ, 11.10.04
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I am currently sitting here at Cup-O-Joe, trying to design a sign that will be placed in front of a prestigous, gorgeous building here in Columbus. I am researching Olbrich for ideas on monument and layering neo-classical ideas. I think that I have a good idea on how to approach the sign.
It seems that ever since I have graduated from college and working full time in my profession, which I currently love, I am scared and terrified of ceasing to learn. In order to continue this theoretical movement I have removed all of my old architecture books to the middle of my kitchen table. I am forbidden to move them until they have been read throughout, thoroughly. Since I am quite anal about mess and clutter, this is a hard feat for me to stare at these books constantly.
I am also, since all of my friends are back in the grind of school without me, have been making a concious effort to watch all of the movies that are celebrated within the industry. I am fed up with being in the middle of a good conversation when someone suddenly makes a reference to a movie that I have not seen (which is quite a few.) I refuse to be that ignorant person again. As of last week I have watched:
- A Short Film about Love
- Blue Velvet
- Brazil
On the list for this week is:
- One Flew Over the Cockoo's Nest
- All about Eve
- Space Oddessy 2001
So thats about it for the moment. If anyone has recommendations for other 'classics' that are worth seeing please let me know!
:: posted by SarahJ, 9.10.04
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:: posted by SarahJ, 8.10.04
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Funny site - worth checking out if you are a designer or lover of ikea.
:: posted by SarahJ, 8.10.04
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After being called out on the mistake they then explained their mistake. What is the world coming to?
:: posted by SarahJ, 8.10.04
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A scary mistake!
:: posted by SarahJ, 8.10.04
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An Other Paper
Check out "The Other Paper" this week... they did publish my letter which is quite exciting. I was the 'highlighted' letter on the first page. They pulled out two quotes of mine for the headline.
"To some people it may be hideous, but its presence is a feat within itself."
(I think this is the second one, but I can't remember)
"Through its grandeur scale and powerfulness, this building is a monument."
:: posted by SarahJ, 7.10.04
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Fun :)
Just found out that OSU used some of my renderings for some form-z book thing. Cool eh?
:: posted by SarahJ, 5.10.04
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Last week I was informed of an article that was written in a local paper regarding the new School of Architecture.
The article was awful. It was taking easy hits at the new design and pointed out all of the flaws - disregarding the monumental positives. It would have been a little more rewarding to the community for the author to take a optimistic and constructive look at the new school.
Regardless - I got slightly annoyed by the cheap shots that I felt had been taken and decided to write to the editor to explain my unhappiness. Here is what I wrote: (Watch out for the cheesy romanticism towards the end - gotta love it)
Having spent four years bouncing buildings while going through the Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture and completing my undergraduate degree in the basement of Vivian Hall, I would like to congratulate all of the students on their brand new beautiful home. I am truly excited for you all. However, I am upset that the article, “Architecture Profs Rip Architecture Building,” responded to only the controversy and design flaws of the project and not the positive aspects of this structure. The mistakes that were pointed out are genuine mistakes that will always be apparent in projects of its scale. This should not be shocking to anyone in the profession. Could we not instead focus on the wonderful new space and accessories that the students
have gained?
I am also thrilled in the fact that within these times of McDonaldization and cardboard houses we are still producing buildings that are formally designed. To some people it may be hideous, but its presence is a feat within itself. So much collaboration, struggle, and tension went into it and finally Knowlton stands as a testament to that. Through its grandeur scale and powerfulness, this building is a monument to all of the hard work and dedication that these students have presented throughout the schools existence.
So, to the students who are up late worrying about a current project – I say, “good luck and maybe someday we can participate in a project like the one that is sheltering you during your late nights and disheartening critiques.”
According to the editor, whom I talked with yesterday - the letter should be published next week. I truly hope that it is, because, man, was I angry. (plus it's always fun to get things published.) Next stop - my own article.
:: posted by SarahJ, 5.10.04
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I am cold.. where did the summer go?
I also had a dream last night that my mother gave me plastic surgery. Talk about a nightmare.
:: posted by SarahJ, 4.10.04
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