


I now remember what school reading was like. Often quite boring, yet somehow important in the shaping of our small minds.

After a friend kindly told me what he was reading tonight for class I decided to check it out too - since I had the book sitting on my kitchen table this seemed like a great way to move on with my self inflicted challenge. Colin Rowe - Mathematics of the Ideal Villa.

Funny how the more I flip through these books sitting on my table I realize that during school I started out most of them in full vigor - highlighting, marking notes in the margins and color coding ideas. By about page 50 this colorful mosaic had faded into a black and white page. I had obviously stopped reading out of shear boredom of the material and hoped that I could get all of the information from lectures.

So tonight is the chapter, "Character and Composition." After reading the thoughts, love and hate come to mind immediately. I love the theory and fluidity of relationships throughout history. How simply the use of one word can banter back and forth to unfold deeper conflicting ideas within the structure of the ethos. Fascinating. But, why did I have to force myself to not day dream and reflect on today's myriad of events.

Sometimes I wish I was a little more disciplined.

Regardless, I am now reading this book as the next phase of this 'ridding my table from books' adventure. Some of the chapters later on look really great. eg. 'transparency: literal and phenomenal' and 'The Architecture of Utopia' look especially juicy. I just hope wrap up my day dreaming prior.
:: posted by SarahJ, 11.10.04


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