


Last week I was informed of an article that was written in a local paper regarding the new School of Architecture.

The article was awful. It was taking easy hits at the new design and pointed out all of the flaws - disregarding the monumental positives. It would have been a little more rewarding to the community for the author to take a optimistic and constructive look at the new school.

Regardless - I got slightly annoyed by the cheap shots that I felt had been taken and decided to write to the editor to explain my unhappiness. Here is what I wrote: (Watch out for the cheesy romanticism towards the end - gotta love it)

Having spent four years bouncing buildings while going through the Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture and completing my undergraduate degree in the basement of Vivian Hall, I would like to congratulate all of the students on their brand new beautiful home. I am truly excited for you all. However, I am upset that the article, “Architecture Profs Rip Architecture Building,” responded to only the controversy and design flaws of the project and not the positive aspects of this structure. The mistakes that were pointed out are genuine mistakes that will always be apparent in projects of its scale. This should not be shocking to anyone in the profession. Could we not instead focus on the wonderful new space and accessories that the students
have gained?

I am also thrilled in the fact that within these times of McDonaldization and cardboard houses we are still producing buildings that are formally designed. To some people it may be hideous, but its presence is a feat within itself. So much collaboration, struggle, and tension went into it and finally Knowlton stands as a testament to that. Through its grandeur scale and powerfulness, this building is a monument to all of the hard work and dedication that these students have presented throughout the schools existence.

So, to the students who are up late worrying about a current project – I say, “good luck and maybe someday we can participate in a project like the one that is sheltering you during your late nights and disheartening critiques.”

According to the editor, whom I talked with yesterday - the letter should be published next week. I truly hope that it is, because, man, was I angry. (plus it's always fun to get things published.) Next stop - my own article.

:: posted by SarahJ, 5.10.04


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