I am currently sitting here at Cup-O-Joe, trying to design a sign that will be placed in front of a prestigous, gorgeous building here in Columbus. I am researching Olbrich for ideas on monument and layering neo-classical ideas. I think that I have a good idea on how to approach the sign.
It seems that ever since I have graduated from college and working full time in my profession, which I currently love, I am scared and terrified of ceasing to learn. In order to continue this theoretical movement I have removed all of my old architecture books to the middle of my kitchen table. I am forbidden to move them until they have been read throughout, thoroughly. Since I am quite anal about mess and clutter, this is a hard feat for me to stare at these books constantly.
I am also, since all of my friends are back in the grind of school without me, have been making a concious effort to watch all of the movies that are celebrated within the industry. I am fed up with being in the middle of a good conversation when someone suddenly makes a reference to a movie that I have not seen (which is quite a few.) I refuse to be that ignorant person again. As of last week I have watched:
- A Short Film about Love
- Blue Velvet
- Brazil
On the list for this week is:
- One Flew Over the Cockoo's Nest
- All about Eve
- Space Oddessy 2001
So thats about it for the moment. If anyone has recommendations for other 'classics' that are worth seeing please let me know!