Lazy Sunday..
Friday night started out crazily and ended with the same gumption. A group of us hit about 3 clubs as well as attending one after hours party. The evening ended around 6 or 7am. Was wonderful and well needed as my weekends were beginning to fall into a routine.
Erin came over last night as we decided to bitch about everything annoying within our lives. This spanned from marriage, to bosses, to friends, to 'why is it storming right now? We have to walk to the Sarah McLachlan concert.'
Well, around 7:50 is finally stopped and we had a good quick stroll down to nationwide. The opening act was someone called Butterfly Boucher. She was quite good and it ended up in us buying a CD of hers - (many thanks to the kind woman, Laurie, who spotted us $5.... hello credit cards?) I have been listening to the CD all morning... it's quite good. Catchy and clever. It also makes it even better when you realize that Butterfly (yes that is her real name) wrote, produced and played all instruments on the cd. Quite a talent.
Sarah McLachlan came on the stage later. She was also very good. Although, considering that this is my 5th time seeing her, much of the surprises were lacking for me. It was also quite a mellow concert lacking much energy. Regardless, she was beautiful and melodic as always. After the concert I had planned on going out to a bar, but I decided that sleep was probably more important considering the friday night I had reveled in.
So, today is sunday and I am relaxing in my apartment. I have accomplished nothing today and plan on accomplishing nothing. Work is beginning to stress me out a little, so the weekends are quite important when it comes to detoxifying.
Chocolate Chip Cookies and Coffee – there is nothing better.
If only 'bbbrrrrrr...'
For some reason I am incredibly frustrated with things today, although more sad than frustrated. We are constantly bombarded with movies and sitcoms that project our lives to us, of what we think should be our lives. The 'happily ever after syndrome' haunts us and our lack of complacency. This is one specific reason that I choose not to own a TV. I am sick of feeling that my life is inadequate to societies judgments.
Whenever I begin to think of the happily ever after syndrome (as I call it) I think of one movie above all of the rest. "You've got mail."
This movie is a cute, pathectic, happy, contrived love story with two attractive, and successful people. Yet, somehow we are all supposed to feel better about our selves after these 'feel good' movies? Fuck off!
Maybe I am ranting about this since I am 23 and have only been in the work force for 6 months, but jesus people. What are we supposed to achieve to be successful and happy here? Have a partner? Have tons of money? Live in NY? Be in a movie? I am truly sick of all of these falsities around us. This jargon that confuses us on how to really live vs. What we think we need to live.
Leave the Tv's behind people. We can all do better than compare ourselves to powder makeup and edited scripts.
Fresh and Clean -
My day started early this morning with a dentist appointment that wasn’t remotely your standard dentist. It was actually informative and ‘hip.’ It started with a cheery hello at 7am from a very friendly lady whom I handed all of my paper work to. It was followed by an office tour and friendly greetings by all of the staff. The tour purposefully pointed out the bathroom location. How thoughtful!! I was then given a quick digital x-ray thing and relocated to my extremely comfortable dentist chair. Has any chair designer ever thought of making residential versions? (minus the sanitary colors and plastic wrap of course.) A TV above my head then gave me an in depth look at my mouth from the digital’s taken earlier. Next they stuck a magnifying camera in my mouth and compared the two. Seeing my teeth and mouth that close was quite disturbing, but also quite motivating when it comes to a teeth cleaning regimen. Even the grain from my bread, a residue of breakfast, was still rooted in-between crevices. I swore to the dental hygienist that I had brushed my teeth three times this morning. She disregarded my insecurity and told me that everything looked great.
Of course, ‘great gums, great teeth and an overall healthy mouth’ was repeated multiple times and somehow turned into future extractions of four wisdom teeth and two fillings. I then left with a bouquet-like wrapped cup with a toothbrush, toothpaste and other dental goodies. I even passed up the cookies on the desk as I walked out. These people are amazing and I recommend ANYONE who has to go to the dentist to visit these people. They even played an old song favourite of mine, Lionel Richie, ‘dancing on the ceiling.’
I am now at work and have a very high self esteem about my teeth and mouth. Something quite uncommon from someone raised in England - our teeth are generally not our strong points.
I am also listening to Whip-Smart, Liz Phair. Her old stuff is just amazing. Haphazard and beautiful…. Go west young man….
And the winner is.......
Friday, that day we all seem to look forward to each Sunday. Sometimes I think that we all just wish our lives away in anticipation of those days free of work.
This weekend should be great though, wedding, travel, and cheesecake. Yum! Good list of activities if you ask me!
euro popular - not currency
Nobody is in the office today. Makes things lonely and boring. Now it’s time to start on the base sheets of Ellis….. maybe if I play some euro-dance music I can get myself going. Eh?
Odd, yet understandable?
Demolition Roof Plan - Part "A"
Hello again, and welcome back to our show. The day lingers.
Yesterday was highly productive as work goes. I managed to get here at 6:30am which meant that I was able to leave around 4pm. I of course took advantage of this with some heavy drinking of wine. Even though it was cheap stuff from Trader Joe’s it suited me just fine enough to make me have fun and then pass out. Joe and I watched “French & Saunders” and couldn’t hold back from practically falling over each other laughing. I truly don’t think that anyone has been quite as funny as them.
Work is going slowly today, and I am not as motivated as yesterday. It is harder for me to concentrate and focus. I suppose that it is just one of those days. I also have to write some coded notes which I absolutely hate with a passion. I suppose that when you hate something it makes procrastination easier. I am also looking forward to after work since I finally booked a haircut for myself. If there is anything that makes me feel brand new, it has to be a new haircut with a healthy dose of gossip from my stylist. Of course I never personally know the people involved in the gossip, but it is great fun to imagine who these people are. It’s almost like I am given a story line to work with and everything else is of my own creation – accents and all.
I cannot believe that the summer is over and all I have done is work profusely. What ever happened to running through sprinklers, making slip and slides and walking around naked? The antithesis of that is what I do now as an adult, as most adults: sit in front of a computer all day, surf the internet and eat subway. Is this what responsibility is made of? Maybe one day it will make sense and become worthwhile. In the meantime I suppose I can get excited about a haircut.
After months of trying to put it off – I finally bought tickets for Sarah McLachlan in two weeks. This will be the 5th time I have seen her in concert. Could my lesbianism be showing through here? Regardless, I am very excited. I hope that she sings ‘Vox.’ That has to be my favorite song ever by her.
Back to work – I am plotting out the final sheets for a project. Yay, I am so glad that it is done!
So, everytime I sit down to blog my boss comes in and decides to check my drawings etc. This generally ends in AutoCAD v. 14 not working correctly (not surprising since the world is now on V. 2005) resulting in us hunting all around the computer for an answer. This of course means that I have to quickly close any blog that I am writing with the erasure of a half processed thought and statement. Quite frustrating!!
I suppose that I could always dive into the cold water and just publish them without spell checking, and rereading my thoughts… but who wants to read something sporadic? I have never been into free verse.
Well, I think that Todd (boss) will be coming soon. Better edit it before I can’t!
I wonder -
I have been listening to BBC Radio 4 all day. The stations subtitle is that of ‘Intelligent Speech.’ Who wouldn’t want to listen to that? I am obsessed with a show called “in our time,” by Melvin Bragg. He is quite good at carrying on an interesting, in depth conversation with people who are at the top of their fields while making himself sound like he knows what he is talking about. It is very good.
I always wonder why I have to listen to foreign radio to get a good show to listen to.
Regardless, I listened to a show about Proust. When these college professors and literature intellects talked about his 3000 page text they made it sound great. So I have decided that this is my new goal – after I finish my Nevil Shute novel. I can’t wait.
Apparently Proust writes about memory and the different ways we process/don’t process moments. For example, if we can’t remember what happened a couple of years ago then maybe we are also unable to remember events from other lives and worlds. Fascinating. So, if we do remember an event then maybe some of our random thoughts could have happened also.
Something to cogitate.