

If only 'bbbrrrrrr...'

This evening I send a blog from my apartment. An oddity since this usually becomes a time waster at work. Now, I waste my time at home.

For some reason I am incredibly frustrated with things today, although more sad than frustrated. We are constantly bombarded with movies and sitcoms that project our lives to us, of what we think should be our lives. The 'happily ever after syndrome' haunts us and our lack of complacency. This is one specific reason that I choose not to own a TV. I am sick of feeling that my life is inadequate to societies judgments.

Whenever I begin to think of the happily ever after syndrome (as I call it) I think of one movie above all of the rest. "You've got mail."

This movie is a cute, pathectic, happy, contrived love story with two attractive, and successful people. Yet, somehow we are all supposed to feel better about our selves after these 'feel good' movies? Fuck off!

Maybe I am ranting about this since I am 23 and have only been in the work force for 6 months, but jesus people. What are we supposed to achieve to be successful and happy here? Have a partner? Have tons of money? Live in NY? Be in a movie? I am truly sick of all of these falsities around us. This jargon that confuses us on how to really live vs. What we think we need to live.

Leave the Tv's behind people. We can all do better than compare ourselves to powder makeup and edited scripts.
:: posted by SarahJ, 25.8.04


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