

Fresh and Clean -

My day started early this morning with a dentist appointment that wasn’t remotely your standard dentist. It was actually informative and ‘hip.’ It started with a cheery hello at 7am from a very friendly lady whom I handed all of my paper work to. It was followed by an office tour and friendly greetings by all of the staff. The tour purposefully pointed out the bathroom location. How thoughtful!! I was then given a quick digital x-ray thing and relocated to my extremely comfortable dentist chair. Has any chair designer ever thought of making residential versions? (minus the sanitary colors and plastic wrap of course.) A TV above my head then gave me an in depth look at my mouth from the digital’s taken earlier. Next they stuck a magnifying camera in my mouth and compared the two. Seeing my teeth and mouth that close was quite disturbing, but also quite motivating when it comes to a teeth cleaning regimen. Even the grain from my bread, a residue of breakfast, was still rooted in-between crevices. I swore to the dental hygienist that I had brushed my teeth three times this morning. She disregarded my insecurity and told me that everything looked great.


Of course, ‘great gums, great teeth and an overall healthy mouth’  was repeated multiple times and somehow turned into future extractions of four wisdom teeth and two fillings. I then left with a bouquet-like wrapped cup with a toothbrush, toothpaste and other dental goodies. I even passed up the cookies on the desk as I walked out. These people are amazing and I recommend ANYONE who has to go to the dentist to visit these people.  They even played an old song favourite of mine, Lionel Richie, ‘dancing on the ceiling.’


I am now at work and have a very high self esteem about my teeth and mouth. Something quite uncommon from someone raised in England - our teeth are generally not our strong points.  


I am also listening to Whip-Smart, Liz Phair. Her old stuff is just amazing. Haphazard and beautiful…. Go west young man….

:: posted by SarahJ, 24.8.04


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