

A Nip?

I am still failing to understand why every time I wake up early and hit the gym before  work I always seem to enter the ladies locker room to find a woman sleeping on the couch. I do applaud this woman for making it to the gym at 5:00 am as it can be a hard feat to accomplish - especially multiple days in a row. Yet, why does this slightly overweight woman proceeds to drag herself out of bed, to put clothes on, drive to the gym in all hopes of reaching her goal of collapsing on the green pleather couch? I am dumbfounded. Even after an hour or so of my run I return again to find her still on the couch. Can someone explain this to me?
I am currently listening to Ani DiFranco's new cd - Evolve. It's pretty good, although I feel that she has spun out into a prolific songwriter with poor lyrics. I always thought that her lyrics were the most poignant and strong I had ever heard. I feel that they are lacking in this album, which is disheartening. I am reminded of her "up, up........." album when I listen to this. Yet, not quite as  memorable. Due to this I will forgo her upcoming concert. I am very envious of her guitar playing ability though. She's amazing.
Side note: If anyone has nothing better to do - check out this link

I actually remember watching this show as a kid in the UK. I find this rather scary to see now. Although, in a psychoanalytical perspective it could explain quite a bit.


:: posted by SarahJ, 27.9.04 | link | (0) comments |



I hate the word 'raw' as much as I hate the word 'flesh' but it is necessary when trying to describe the feeling of my throat right now. I have been swallowing saliva constantly all day trying to soothe the sore throat. The swallowing became especially difficult after I had my cavities filled this morning. It tasted as if I was licking dirty metal.
Last week I was thinking about how great it would be to have a sick day to be sick and lay in bed all day. Now, the hint of a cold and I am scared shitless. I have no desire to be bundled up, sweating, coughing and sneezing all day even if I do get to stay home. The ratio is quite uneven in that example. What the hell was I thinking? Oh well, I have been drinking gallons of tea and eating every vitamin I can muster up in the hopes that I can cure myself before the cold actually grabs a hold of me. Wish me luck.
:: posted by SarahJ, 23.9.04 | link | (0) comments |


Did we not Learn with Glitter?

102.7 KIIS-FM - L.A.'s #1 Hit Music Station!
:: posted by SarahJ, 17.9.04 | link | (0) comments |


Ananova - Minnie Driver lives in a trailer

Ananova - Minnie Driver lives in a trailer

:: posted by SarahJ, 16.9.04 | link | (0) comments |


Remember the times we fell in love -

This morning I got to run down to campus and drop off some flyers at the school of Architecture. Turns out we are looking to hire some student help. This meant that I got to check out the new school in all of it's glory before it is opened to students engulfing the hallways. It's great. I love the fact that within these times of urban sprawl and cardboard houses we are still producing buildings that are worthwhile. To some people it may be hideous, but to me, even the fact that it is standing there is wonderful. So much effort, hard work, teamwork and stress went into it and it now stands as a testament to that. It is a solid, heavy, powerful being overpowering us in its grandeur scale.
This moment that I had reminded me of the time that I did fall in love with architecture. So much passion, and desire. Now, I am here in an office doing production work with nothing much that inspires me. It's tough. But, I must remember that this is an internship. This is a two year period to get experience. Grad school will be amazing and it is to be my goal to go somewhere new, exciting and tough. I want to be that student again sitting in my apartment late at night trying to cram in everything for the next day. Thriving on all of the nutrients from endless cups of coffee we inhaled to keep ourselves awake. Dragging ourselves in front of peers and professors to try and make some sense of a project that became more and more diluted as the night progressed and pieces of basswood were glued on top of each other. The end result would be that of a burger king crown or something emanating from our subconscious desires.
I loved it. One year and a half to go. GRE here I come.
:: posted by SarahJ, 13.9.04 | link | (0) comments |


You're Betty Boop!
Bettie Boop

Who 's Your Inner Sexy Cartoon Chick ?
brought to you by Quizilla
:: posted by SarahJ, 13.9.04 | link | (0) comments |


Don't Choke.

Last night I had a dream that not only were my teeth falling out, but my whole entire jaw. I will have to look up what that means since I can't remember off the top of my head. I do know that the teeth loss it is quite a common theme. It was awful trying to talk with a jaw that kept on falling out of place. How embarrassing!
:: posted by SarahJ, 7.9.04 | link | (0) comments |


Carpe Diem -

I have decided, that while it is great when people tell you all about life and the ins and outs that they have experienced, it is more advantageous to witness it all first hand. I suppose that thought runs along with the old cliché - "it's not the destination, but the journey...."
:: posted by SarahJ, 3.9.04 | link | (0) comments |


Strangers with Candy Movie!!

:: posted by SarahJ, 2.9.04 | link | (0) comments |