Remember the times we fell in love -
This morning I got to run down to campus and drop off some flyers at the school of Architecture. Turns out we are looking to hire some student help. This meant that I got to check out the new school in all of it's glory before it is opened to students engulfing the hallways. It's great. I love the fact that within these times of urban sprawl and cardboard houses we are still producing buildings that are worthwhile. To some people it may be hideous, but to me, even the fact that it is standing there is wonderful. So much effort, hard work, teamwork and stress went into it and it now stands as a testament to that. It is a solid, heavy, powerful being overpowering us in its grandeur scale.
This moment that I had reminded me of the time that I did fall in love with architecture. So much passion, and desire. Now, I am here in an office doing production work with nothing much that inspires me. It's tough. But, I must remember that this is an internship. This is a two year period to get experience. Grad school will be amazing and it is to be my goal to go somewhere new, exciting and tough. I want to be that student again sitting in my apartment late at night trying to cram in everything for the next day. Thriving on all of the nutrients from endless cups of coffee we inhaled to keep ourselves awake. Dragging ourselves in front of peers and professors to try and make some sense of a project that became more and more diluted as the night progressed and pieces of basswood were glued on top of each other. The end result would be that of a burger king crown or something emanating from our subconscious desires.
I loved it. One year and a half to go. GRE here I come.
:: posted by SarahJ, 13.9.04