


So this whole portfolio process and grad school application process is quite stressful. I am sure that people who have been to grad school are quite understanding of this. I suppose that the most stressful part is that of not beating yourself up in the process.

The portfolio design process takes forever. Edit after edit after edit - after screw it all and start again. I still have a while until all of it is due, and yet when do you stop editing and just turn it in... (i know and age old question.)

Regardless, if I work as hard as I can on all of this stuff then I cannot feel bad if I get rejected from my dream school? Please send positive vibes in this direction - it would be much appreciated.

Additionally along the lines of these thoughts is the fact that I just finished reading a biography on Samuel Pepys. It is very comforting to know that even in the seventeen hundreds people had the same exact feelings and life as ourselves. The got takeout, they cheated, they had sex, they feared and loved. They also failed and moved on. Maybe this is a lesson for me to learn - it is possible to fail and move on to greater things.

(currently working on my optimism....)

ps.. I ate a HUGE steak last weekend and it was fantastic... mmmmm I love beef.
:: posted by SarahJ, 15.8.05


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