TEN Random Things About Me:
10) I am a follower of the karaoke craze.
9) Every couple of months I go through a period of turning off my cell phone for week.
8) I am a true techno geeek… music and gadgets.
7) Even though my real name is Sarah- I am known most famously as “Sarah Jane, Jane or Clerky.”
6) I don’t own a TV.
5) I never have any food in my apartment.
4) I love skirts in the summer.
3) I don’t have a shower in my apt – only a bath tub.
2) I am a true lover of Marmite.
1) I am selfish.
NINE Ways To Win My Heart:
9) Be a great cook.
8) Be supportive of my decisions.
7) Be honest in your communication.
6) Show and teach me things I don’t know.
5) Have a VERY dry sense of humor.
4) Be self sufficient.
3) Do not own a TV.
2) Have goals and dreams to work towards.
1) Take your surroundings seriously.
EIGHT things I want to do before I die:
8) Rely on public transportation.
7) Write/publish a book.
6) Move back to europe.
5) Learn to be less serious and hard on myself.
4) Be a good verbal communicator.
3) Learn to ride a moped.
2) Give a lecture on architectural theory and sound good doing it.
1) Work for myself.
SEVEN ways to annoy me:
7) Constantly talk about things but take no action.
6) Be consistantly late.
5) Say things like: “This needs cleaned.”
4) Have a fondness for clutter/knick knacks.
3) Sleep until noon. Laziness bores me.
2) Eat fast food.
1) Talk on your cell phone during a meal.
SIX things I believe in:
6) Tea Time.
5) Trust.
4) We can achieve anything we desire.
3) Everyone is selfish.
2) Everytime you look at something it changes.
1) Myself.
FIVE things I'm afraid of:
5) Death.
4) Hurting People. (Emotionally speaking only.)
3) Going blind.
2) Relying on people/needing people.
1) Talking too much or too little.
FOUR favorite items in my room:
4) Picture of Sir Charles Villier Stanford at his piano.
3) Classical Guitar I brought back from my time in Italy.
2) The Journals that I have kept since High School.
1) Family pictures.
THREE things I do everyday:
3) Drink british tetley’s tea with milk.
2) Wear at least one item of black clothing.
1) Eat chocolate.
TWO things I want to do right now:
2) Sit down to a nice meal alone and read.
1) Jump on a plane to a european destination.
ONE person I want to see right now:
1) Any of my extended family in the UK. It’s been too long.
Thank you to Spacedog for this entry idea...
Hope you don't mind, I yanked your awesome survey. Came across your profile on Flickr, originally. The internet is so friendly.
Thanks as well to spacedog. Good luck with all things- architecture, cooking, tea time or otherwise.
I had fun with the survey - quite intersting things to think about!
Good luck to you too SJ. :)