


After work today I am headed into the wild - I am journeying to a camp to spend the weekend. I am very excited as I get to finally get away from the city and check in with the inner Sarah Jane. This cabin that I am staying in has no electricity, running water and my cell phone won't work there. Talk about getting back to nature. The world as I know it will cease to exist. This means tons of reading, thinking and writing. Just what I need before spring jumps its true momentum. (By that I mean good weather.)

I am truly looking forward to being able to think thoughts through without distractions. I know that I do not need to figure out where I am going - I just need to solidify my path there in my mind. I also want to chill out because I have been having too many nightmares lately... maybe some sort of meditation would help this?

eg. My nightmare last night involved me amputating a large chunk of my left leg off and then reattatching the foot. It was rather disturbing.

I am also excited to spend a weekend away from the craziness of the bar/club/drinking scene. I may have a subastance free weekend. Wow. This also leads to a cheap weekend.. all in all it should be great fun.

I also get to do a little bit of designing too....

I am quite excited.
:: posted by SarahJ, 29.4.05


Creepy dream.
Blogger JJ, at 6:46 PM  

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