


Architecture can be very self defeating and difficult to deal with. As choosing to be a young participant in the field you are privy to become the outlet of frustration to the many older participants. This constant issue arises generally from a persons need to be an asshole - as their mentors were to them. It becomes a right of passage with no logical explaination and no matryr throwing hault to this lineage.

Not only is this prevalent in the actual work world - but it has also been witnessed often in the schooling process. I luckily faired realtivly well when it came to the student bashing movement. I often sat at reviews watching my peers present in front of a panel of three to six 'professionals.' It was not uncommon to see the student break down from the pressure and comments thrown at them. Often they would be left standing in front of their peers and panel crying and shaking while trying to understand the logic of the criticizm.

I do not mean to say that this was all that I witnessed at school. There were great teachers too. Ones who actually made the student excited about design and architecture. Yet it is always the bad the shine brighter than the good.

Today I try and keep quiet. I often rebuttle the comments that are flung towards me and end up in a deeper pile of dung. My co-worker, who has afew years on me, sits and giggles when it is flung her way. I need to keep my rebuttle to myself as I often lash back to no avail.

Alas, this is the field of Architecture.

Side note: Please when I bring in drawings to be printed - do not refur to me as 'babe.' It is quite disgusting in general. It is also more disgusting when you are a bald man of sixty-five.
:: posted by SarahJ, 26.4.05


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