


Monday flew by until about 10am. Suddenly time stopped and it began to almost go backwards. It is only 4:05 and it should be much later. I am right and I know it is really 8pm.

My favorite DJ - Emma B - left her BBC radio1 post of 7 years to pursue more of a television career. I will truly miss her on the Sunday Surgery. She came across as if she really did care about everyone who called, as if she was your best friend and confidant. She blew me away everytime I listened and the show won't be the same without her.

Spent the weekend in Cleveland and did everything from eat lamb (I like to think I am a vegetarian even though I am not) to walk in a graveyard at 2am. Quite fun really. The joys of small town, ohio. I did manage to pick up the BBC version of 'The Office' while there and watched some of them. Damn hilarious and worth seeing.

3:30 cup of coffee is not working....
:: posted by SarahJ, 28.3.05


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