


Turns out that we are looking to hire someone else to work in the office. Three people grows into 4. It will be great having an additional person to converse with and talk with. I just hope that this newbie will be relaxed, funny, and optamistic. I feel that everyone here, including myself, are all very dark. We don't tend to help eachother realize the good things. We shall see what happens as the interview process begins - but, one genre of person I am truly hoping to stay away is the religous, conservative nut. Those people really scare me.

Now, this form of bigotry that I have against these people is sad to admit - especially since according to my mother over thanksgiving - I am becoming a republican. This repulses my family dreadfully, as much in so many ways does it repulse myself. The last thing I need is another label tagged onto my 'being.' Of course this 'republican' view that I am gaining is a result of overall monetary issues/tax issues in the US. I would have no desire to vote for Bush or anyone associated with the current party in power but I do believe that I am getting more conservative in my train of thought. So, maybe I would have something in common with that religous, conservative nut. At least, more than I thought.

sooo.. in labels I am gaining more as I grow.

Female, INFP, Resident Alien, Architect, Gay, Republican.

The last two don't seem to go to well together. Oh well, I'm not really a full republican yet. A couple more years and maybe. I think I need saving.
:: posted by SarahJ, 2.12.04


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