


I am in a much better mood since the last post (which was last night.) I had a good day at work and within 15 minutes of leaving the office I had recieved 4 phone calls from friends saying 'hello.' It made me feel good as I stormed down the aisles of a clothing store looking for something too specific. Shopping for good jeans has to be the most annoying thing ever. I have been looking for a specific pair for about two weeks now - frequenting malls and stores in the Cleveland and Columbus area.

I also just finished my 'General Performance Evaluation' for work. This form includes the most frustrating and tough questions ever to be asked next to 'what do you want for lunch.'

Regardless, I am finished and now I only have the review meeting to go to. (Probably next week sometime.) Of course the upside of these things is that a raise is generally involved!
:: posted by SarahJ, 29.12.04


hello. :-)

- trev
Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:54 PM  
Jeans shopping for me is easy. I go to the same shop grab the same size and style Levi's as last time, 2 blue and one black normally, thats it! Plus, they are cheap, about half the cost in the UK. The only down side is that the store is 3.5k miles away!, the good news is that I should be back there in a few weeks! :-)
Blogger Brom, at 9:22 AM  

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