


I have done it again. I have worked myself up about the wonderful 4 day break I get due to Thanksgiving. I have worked myself up so much that I am now sitting here at work, light headed, sniffling and coughing. Somehow it has become quite normal for me to be sick during such familial gatherings. All I want is to be actually able to taste the food that my mom will have worked so hard at preparing. My first real 'vacation' in 8 months and I am sick.

The nature of this trick being played on me, even in it's ironic manner, it not remotely humorous.

I will be spending all of my designated free time until Thursday sleeping in hopes of ridding myself of this bug in time for greeting relatives and friends.
:: posted by SarahJ, 22.11.04


Aww noooo! If you think it's worth trying, this is how I cope with colds, Vitamin C tablets twice a day and Zinc. There is a theory that this will dilute the symptoms and lessen the duration. It seems to work for me. This might be because I spent my childhood living off a diet of boiled to death veg and no fruit cos I never liked it, my Vit C levels must have been non existant. I had cold after cold! In later life I improved my eating habits and the amount of colds I got dropped dramatically. Also they never seem to get really bad. (now I've said that I'm bound to get one!) I really hope you enjoy your holiday!!
Blogger Brom, at 3:25 PM  
bm - thanks so much! I have taken your advice and have been raising my A + Z levels to super-human. I managed to take the morning off work to let myself get some extra sleep too. I am feeling much better. If I keep up this good work through tomorrow I should be in good form for turkey day!

By the way... how was Guy Fawkes Night? I always miss that one - bundled up by a HUGE fire drinking cocoa (although at my age now it would include alcohol of some type :)
Blogger SarahJ, at 5:27 PM  
SJ, hope your holiday is going well. Guy Fawkes was kinda low key, we usually trek out to a display somewhere but this year we didn't organise it in time. AS a kid we did the whole bonfire thing with loads of families from around the neighbourhood. maybe I should start something similar next year?
Blogger Brom, at 7:34 AM  

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