

The sweet sounds of phones...

I just returned from close to a day spent at O.U. Yes, it was an executive road trip. It was moments like today that I love my job. I got to root around the attic of Ellis Hall as well as walk around the roof and decipher visual clues as to why things are failing and leaking. I like to think of it as a combination of Architect, Archeologist and Detective. Ok, ok – so it’s not the same as solving who stole the peanut butter, but the roof is leaking for a reason.  It was fun, even though the building is a structural mess and will be a bitch to deal with. Hopefully we can sort it out and restore it to it’s original prestige. Red clay tiles and all!


So it is 5:08 and I have only been in the office for an hour or two. Not bad! I love it when days fly by.


Next week is my 23rd birthday. There is no real cultural significance of turning 23 other than maybe equating it somehow to your 21st birthday. An example of this could be, “Happy 23rd Birthday – You have been legally able to drink for two years in the U.S.” or  “Congrats, you’re more of an adult than you previously were.” Regardless, nothing has changed other than the distance I am to crow’s feet. But, on the other hand I feel that I have accomplished quite a lot within the last year.


-          I have graduated from OSU with a degree in Architecture.


-          Became a Vegetarian (except last week when I accidentally ate chicken at Happy Greek.)


-          Went from Staples employee – Admin. Asst – Graduate Architect within the space of 5 months during a bad economy.


-          Got a new car.


-          Moved in to my own apartment.


-          Started working out religiously and being as healthy as I can (minus the smoking.)


-          Read a lot – Atlas Shrugged and Fountainhead (the two largest accomplishments.)


All in all I am pretty happy about things. Hopefully they will keep on going well for the next year and the years to come, as we only get older, slower and shorter.


Now – a decision to make – go drinking at Larry’s or go to swim practice? Hmmmmm…..

:: posted by SarahJ, 7.7.04


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