


It is 10am and I am the only one here at work. A pleasant way to start the morning off.

Yesterday, after a long, drawn out day of drafting (or as I like to call it vector data entry) I decided to make the most of a perfect summer evening and partake in an outdoor swim team practice.

I had no idea how much I could love it again! After being physically and mentally abused by unforgiving high school coaches I thought that the idea of swimming and enjoyment could not coincide in the same phrase. Wrong. The drive it takes to swim during timed exercises is beyond personal choice. The endurance and effort promoted is only something that can be emitted by having a fitter and faster teammate slapping your feet due to your weak arms and burning lungs. After the hour long rush is over it then takes your last drop of adrenaline to actually hoist yourself out of the pool and find your safe warm towel.

I have decided to seriously reconsider routinely swimming on a team. Sure it is $5 a practice, but when you equate that to a couple of glasses of wine at the Burgundy Room is seems quite menial.

Overall, I feel great today even though I didn't make it to the gym this morning. The swim practice high is still resounding with me over 12 hours later. Not too bad for five bucks.

:: posted by SarahJ, 1.7.04


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